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kati eismann
“All my life I have been fascinated by what happens between
light and shadow. Between daylight and pitch dark. Light
influences us, our everyday life, our mind and our life. Light
determines what is visible and what is not. Creating a moment,
an emotion, an image that dissolves into "nothing" just seconds
later and still lingers in the minds of the audience is a privilege
worth working hard for.
That is what drives me!
That is the quintessence of creativity, know-how,
a bit of youthful freshness, new ideas and
the tried and true.”


adrian lubkowitz
Der Moment der für dich unendlich wird, ist dann, wenn alles stimmt.
Genau das ist es was mich antreibt, meine Kreativität triggert, um diese einzigartigen Momente mit Hilfe von Licht in Szene zu setzen.

jane kneusels
„Die Musik spielt, die Menge tanzt und dann streift Dich der warme Lichtstrahl - die Zeit bleibt stehen und Dein Herz schlägt höher. Diese Momente durch das filmische Auge erlebbar zu machen, das lebe und das liebe ich.“

luca grazioli
“Geht im Sucher keine Sonne auf, hast du noch den Deckel drauf.”

ronald schulte
DEFINITION: light [lahyt], noun
…the brightness that comes from the sun, fire, etc., and from electrical devices which allow things to be seen.
I am Ron. I am a - Lumen Being.
My definition of light does not exist in electromagnetic radiation or waves in a scientific sense.
LIGHT IS LIFE. Like me and others, we are magically attracted to light. As a creative designer, it is my passion to define, create and catch that essence in my art. Cameo´s passion for light is to create emotion in a special moment, which will be remembered for a lifetime. Cameo inspires me with that spark (light) and that´s why I love my job and working with Cameo.
Remember - find your light.
Product Management

alina knewitz
Ich denke wir alle kennen es: wenn man einmal mit der Eventbranche in Berührung kam, ist man von ihrem ganz besonderen Spirit gepackt!
Wie ein Puzzle setzen bei einem Event die verschiedenen Gewerke die Puzzleteile zusammen und kreieren damit atemberaubende Erlebnisse, die Menschen vereinen, begeistern und mit perfekten Momenten bereichern.
Einen ganz besonderen Part spielt dabei die Lichttechnik für mich, denn erst durch die visuellen Highlights werden Events und Festivals zu dem, was sie sind. Für mich ist es dieser perfekte Moment, wenn der Beat durch die Strobos und Lichteffekte seine volle Wirkung entfaltet und zu einem unvergesslichen Gänsehautmoment voller Glück und Freude wird…
(Hier bei Cameo kann ich meine Affinität zur Branche und zum Marketing vereinen, und der ganzen Welt über Social Media zeigen, was für großartige Ergebnisse und Projekte auf die Beine gestellt werden!)

maximilian becker
Gorgeous, glowing rays of light amazed me since the first time I can remember. It brightened my introverted lifestyle until then and created an opportunity for me to meet new people in my life and experience unforgettable moments. Like the American film director Aaron Rose said:
“In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.”
The light of Cameo literally LED me to Adam Hall and empowered me to shine at a young age. Now I have the chance to make the brand shine even brighter as a Brand Manager.

paul hageman
The beauty we create through light is the closest we come to sliding down rainbows, and bringing others along for the ride.

tim thaler
“All my life I have been fascinated by what happens between
light and shadow. Between daylight and pitch dark. Light
influences us, our everyday life, our mind and our life. Light
determines what is visible and what is not. Creating a moment,
an emotion, an image that dissolves into "nothing" just seconds
later and still lingers in the minds of the audience is a privilege
worth working hard for.
That is what drives me!
That is the quintessence of creativity, know-how,
a bit of youthful freshness, new ideas and
the tried and true.”

tim thaler
“All my life I have been fascinated by what happens between
light and shadow. Between daylight and pitch dark. Light
influences us, our everyday life, our mind and our life. Light
determines what is visible and what is not. Creating a moment,
an emotion, an image that dissolves into "nothing" just seconds
later and still lingers in the minds of the audience is a privilege
worth working hard for.
That is what drives me!
That is the quintessence of creativity, know-how,
a bit of youthful freshness, new ideas and
the tried and true.”

tim thaler
“All my life I have been fascinated by what happens between
light and shadow. Between daylight and pitch dark. Light
influences us, our everyday life, our mind and our life. Light
determines what is visible and what is not. Creating a moment,
an emotion, an image that dissolves into "nothing" just seconds
later and still lingers in the minds of the audience is a privilege
worth working hard for.
That is what drives me!
That is the quintessence of creativity, know-how,
a bit of youthful freshness, new ideas and
the tried and true.”

tim thaler
“All my life I have been fascinated by what happens between
light and shadow. Between daylight and pitch dark. Light
influences us, our everyday life, our mind and our life. Light
determines what is visible and what is not. Creating a moment,
an emotion, an image that dissolves into "nothing" just seconds
later and still lingers in the minds of the audience is a privilege
worth working hard for.
That is what drives me!
That is the quintessence of creativity, know-how,
a bit of youthful freshness, new ideas and
the tried and true.”

tim thaler
“All my life I have been fascinated by what happens between
light and shadow. Between daylight and pitch dark. Light
influences us, our everyday life, our mind and our life. Light
determines what is visible and what is not. Creating a moment,
an emotion, an image that dissolves into "nothing" just seconds
later and still lingers in the minds of the audience is a privilege
worth working hard for.
That is what drives me!
That is the quintessence of creativity, know-how,
a bit of youthful freshness, new ideas and
the tried and true.”

tim thaler
“All my life I have been fascinated by what happens between
light and shadow. Between daylight and pitch dark. Light
influences us, our everyday life, our mind and our life. Light
determines what is visible and what is not. Creating a moment,
an emotion, an image that dissolves into "nothing" just seconds
later and still lingers in the minds of the audience is a privilege
worth working hard for.
That is what drives me!
That is the quintessence of creativity, know-how,
a bit of youthful freshness, new ideas and
the tried and true.”

tim thaler
“All my life I have been fascinated by what happens between
light and shadow. Between daylight and pitch dark. Light
influences us, our everyday life, our mind and our life. Light
determines what is visible and what is not. Creating a moment,
an emotion, an image that dissolves into "nothing" just seconds
later and still lingers in the minds of the audience is a privilege
worth working hard for.
That is what drives me!
That is the quintessence of creativity, know-how,
a bit of youthful freshness, new ideas and
the tried and true.”

tim thaler
“All my life I have been fascinated by what happens between
light and shadow. Between daylight and pitch dark. Light
influences us, our everyday life, our mind and our life. Light
determines what is visible and what is not. Creating a moment,
an emotion, an image that dissolves into "nothing" just seconds
later and still lingers in the minds of the audience is a privilege
worth working hard for.
That is what drives me!
That is the quintessence of creativity, know-how,
a bit of youthful freshness, new ideas and
the tried and true.”

tim thaler
“All my life I have been fascinated by what happens between
light and shadow. Between daylight and pitch dark. Light
influences us, our everyday life, our mind and our life. Light
determines what is visible and what is not. Creating a moment,
an emotion, an image that dissolves into "nothing" just seconds
later and still lingers in the minds of the audience is a privilege
worth working hard for.
That is what drives me!
That is the quintessence of creativity, know-how,
a bit of youthful freshness, new ideas and
the tried and true.”

tim thaler
“All my life I have been fascinated by what happens between
light and shadow. Between daylight and pitch dark. Light
influences us, our everyday life, our mind and our life. Light
determines what is visible and what is not. Creating a moment,
an emotion, an image that dissolves into "nothing" just seconds
later and still lingers in the minds of the audience is a privilege
worth working hard for.
That is what drives me!
That is the quintessence of creativity, know-how,
a bit of youthful freshness, new ideas and
the tried and true.”

tim thaler
“All my life I have been fascinated by what happens between
light and shadow. Between daylight and pitch dark. Light
influences us, our everyday life, our mind and our life. Light
determines what is visible and what is not. Creating a moment,
an emotion, an image that dissolves into "nothing" just seconds
later and still lingers in the minds of the audience is a privilege
worth working hard for.
That is what drives me!
That is the quintessence of creativity, know-how,
a bit of youthful freshness, new ideas and
the tried and true.”

tim thaler
“All my life I have been fascinated by what happens between
light and shadow. Between daylight and pitch dark. Light
influences us, our everyday life, our mind and our life. Light
determines what is visible and what is not. Creating a moment,
an emotion, an image that dissolves into "nothing" just seconds
later and still lingers in the minds of the audience is a privilege
worth working hard for.
That is what drives me!
That is the quintessence of creativity, know-how,
a bit of youthful freshness, new ideas and
the tried and true.”
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